Pool Installation Average Cost

Average Cost Of Pool Installation

Ybor City Museum State Park, Tampa Florida

If you are thinking about getting a pool, you should know that it's not cheap. As far as the average cost of pool installation is concerned, it depends on several different factors including the type of pool you want to get, your location as well as general fees charged by contractors in your location among other things. One of the most common mistakes made by homeowners when it comes to pool installation is that they only take into account the initial cost they have to pay for the pool instead of looking at the total lifetime cost of maintaining, cleaning and repairing the pool.

Therefore, it is better to take a close look at the lifetime cost of the pool instead of just looking at the initial cost of installation. Here is a quick guide that will help you in figuring out the different types of costs involved in installation of different types of pools and how you can go about choosing the right type of installation service to get the most value for your money.

Above Ground Pool

First and foremost, you should know that there are many different types of pools that can be installed in your home. There are above ground pools, poured concrete pools, fiberglass pools as well as vinyl pools among other options. The above ground pool is the cheapest but there are fewer choices in the market when it comes to size, shape and depth of the pool. In most cases, you won't be able to buy a bigger sized pool. You will, however, find many options if you want a small pool for the kids.

As far as the overall cost is concerned, you will find several options starting from around USD 100 and going all the way up to more than USD 5000 but you should go for this option only if there are problems with installation of other kinds of pools. The above ground pool is unlikely to last a long time and at best, you should be able to get a few years out of it.

Concrete Swimming Pool

Another option available to you is the traditional poured concrete swimming pool. A poured concrete pool can cost you anywhere from USD 20,000 to more than USD 45,000. The final cost will depend on the size of the pool, water features you want, the kind of tiles you want and various other such things. One of the biggest advantages of a poured concrete pool is that you have absolutely no restrictions when it comes to the size and design of the pool. You can get it in any design and of any size, you want.

You just need to have the space and the money to get as big a pool as you want. Also, it's a custom-designed pool which means you can fit in all the water features you want. However, you also need to know about its overall running costs over the years. As compared to some of the other options, a concrete pool requires more maintenance as it will need to be repainted and it also requires more scrubbing and acid wash. Resurfacing will also be needed around every 10 to 12 years. So, there are a number of advantages of having a poured concrete swimming pool but you also need to take into account the lifetime costs of maintaining this type of pool.

Fiberglass Pool

A fiberglass pool is another option. It's an in-ground pool that is low maintenance, has a smooth surface, and does not require as many cleaning chemicals as is the case with other types of pools. However, customization options are limited. As far as the total cost is concerned, you can spend anywhere from USD 10,000 to more than USD 60,000 for this kind of pool. One of the biggest advantages of this type of pool is that you will get to save a lot of money on cleaning chemicals as well as on electricity.

There are many other types of pools available in the market and their cost depends on the size and materials used. If your goal is to get the most value for your money, it is better to do your research and find out the cost of different options in your location. When you are doing your research, do not forget to figure out the lifetime costs of running your pool including the resurfacing costs. For instance, you may have to spend a lot more money on a fiberglass pool initially as compared to a poured concrete swimming pool but a fiberglass pool will turn out to be cheaper in the long run due to lower spend on cleaning chemicals and electricity. Similarly, resurfacing is not required in the case of a fiberglass pool.

Overall, these are some of the important factors you need to take into account in case you want to figure out the total cost of pool installation in your location. If you opt for an in-ground pool, it is important that you choose the right installation company for pool resurfacing and repair in order to get the highest quality of workmanship to be able to enjoy your pool for many years to come.